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School Uniform Policy

 Just a reminder about our Clayton Public Schools uniform policy:

Student Dress Code - Uniform Dress Code and Standard Dress Expectations

The district will implement uniform dress for elementary and middle school students and standard dress expectations for high school students in accordance with Board Policy JCDB. The following information on dress codes are is provided to assist parents and students with shopping choices for the school year.

All students are expected to follow the dress code and standard dress expectations for schools. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for adherence to the Clayton County Board policies, regulations and procedures. School personnel are responsible for maintaining proper and appropriate conditions conducive to learning. Teachers and all other school personnel shall reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. Any student who arrives at school out of uniform dress code or standard dress will be expected to correct any violation. Failure to do so shall be treated as insubordination and the student shall be subject to appropriate administrative action under school procedures, including:

Parent contact by administrator or designee

Verbal warning and correction of dress code violation

Written warning/violation logged into Infinite Campus via contact log

Referral to School Counselor

Referral to School Social Worker


The principal is authorized to grant exemptions to the standard uniform dress code or the standard dress expectation for religious reasons, handicapping conditions, or extraordinary circumstances. Students with disabilities may be granted a reasonable accommodation. Such requests shall be produced in writing and submitted to the principal for approval. Students granted an exemption must dress in the appropriate manner approved by the principal.



Tops should have either a polo style collar or a button down collar.

Colors for tops may be school colors or neutral, black or white.

Shirts should cover the waistline.

Shirts should be tucked inside pants, shorts, or skirts.


Bottoms should be khaki style or dress pants in the following colors: tan, blue, or black.

Skinny pants, tights, or leggings that substitute as pants are not acceptable;

Pants/shorts/skirts should be completely buckled, belted, buttoned or fastened and without tears;

Pants shall be worn so that the waistband is worn at the waist and not below the waist.


The uniform dress code for elementary and middle school students shall not prohibit students from wearing coats, jackets, sweaters, or other appropriate outer garments when necessary due to weather conditions or for other legitimate reasons. Outer garments shall be the appropriate size for the student, shall not be overly baggy, and shall not violate any other provisions of this protocol.

Long overcoats or sweaters that might serve to conceal contraband shall be removed immediately upon arrival at the school or function.


Belts are required with no sagging of pants.

Jeans are not included in uniform dress.

Flip-flops, shower shoes, skate shoes and house slippers are not permitted.

No headgear of any kind is allowed. (Exceptions will be considered in the case of head-wear or scarves worn as a part of a student’s religious practice or for documented medical reasons)


Any design, emblem or lettering which refers to or promotes drugs, alcohol, profanity, immodesty or racial, ethnic or sexual discrimination is not allowed.

No graphic, pictures, or writing on clothing shall be permitted except as part of an insignia.

Any design, emblem or lettering should be no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches.


School administrators have the discretion to allow students to “Dress Up” or wear “Professional Dress”: on designated days. Administrators will provide advance notice of those days. Students not wishing to wear “Dress Up/Professional Dress” on those days must adhere to the Uniform Dress Code. Dress Up/Professional Dress clothing must still be appropriate for school and aligned with the identified acceptable dress.


School administrators have the discretion to allow students to “Dress Down” on designated days. Administrators will provide advance notice to students and parents of those days. Students not wishing to “Dress Down” on those designated days must adhere to the Uniform Dress Code. Dress Down clothing must still be appropriate for school and aligned with the identified acceptable


 Elementary Uniform Quick Overview
 Female Students  Male Students

  Red, black or white shirts should have either a polo style collar or a button down collar;
• Colors for tops may be school colors (red or black) or neutral - white;
• Shirts should cover the waistline;
• Shirts longer than (3) three inches below the waistline should be tucked inside pants, shorts, or skirts.

•  Red, black or white shirts should have either a polo style collar or a button down collar;
• Colors for tops may be school colors (red or black) or neutral - white;
• Shirts longer than (3) three inches below the waistline should be tucked inside pants, shorts, or skirts.




  • Bottoms (skirts, pants, shorts) should be khaki style or dress pants in colors khaki, blue, or black.
  • Skirts, Skorts and Shirts should not be shorter than 3 inches above the bend of the knee
  • Belts are required with no sagging of pants;
  • Jeans are not included in uniform dress;
  • Flip-Flops, Shower Shoes, Skate Shoes and House Slippers are not permitted;
  • No headgear of any kind is allowed.
  • Pants or shorts should be khaki style or dress pants in colors khaki, blue, or black.
  • Belts are required with no sagging of pants;
  • Jeans are not included in uniform dress;
  • Flip-Flops, Shower Shoes, Skate Shoes and House Slippers are not permitted;
  • No headgear of any kind is allowed.


LCE "Dress Up" Days   LCE "Dress Down" Days  
 Monday-Thursday Friday
  •  Students wear red, black, or white polo tops with black, navy, or khaki bottoms.
  •  Girls dresses can be any of the uniform colors.
  • All students must wear closed toe shoes for safety (No Crocs).
  •  Students can wear jeans with an LCES, college, sports/team jersey or shirt, or uniform top with tennis shoes.
  • Jeans should be free of holes or tears.
  • Students can also choose to wear their uniform on Fridays.
  • All students must wear closed toe shoes for safety (No Crocs).